Monday, March 31, 2008

Hi, we like Jesus AND U2!

The Blackstones – Self-Titled EP

If I had my way, U2 would have one record. It would be side one of The Joshua Tree, and a few other tunes. Especially that “Discotheque” song from that record nobody likes. Redundancy will prevail here and I will say it again in plainer language. I’m not a big U2 fan. I’m not a Bono fan. And any man who calls himself The Edge, and looks like my Uncle Paul is probably a douche.

Regardless of my head-in-ass opinion of U2, it cannot be denied that they’ve had a huge influence on today’s rock landscape. Everywhere you look, so-called modern rock bands are ripping off U2’s sound left and right. People about 5 to 10 years my junior may argue and say most bands are ripping off Coldplay’s sound. These are the same people who think Green Day started the punk rock revolution.

I’m kinda proud of Bono, though. A lot of people in his position play the “I didn’t ask to be a role model” card and continue about their ridiculous behavior. I’m on the fence about that myself. If you’re famous, you’re a role model regardless of whether or not you asked for it. So you need to clean up a bit. But on the other hand, and I say this as a father, parents need to monitor what their children are doing a lot more closely. Bono, though, has completely embraced being a role model. He’s an advocate for change. That I dig about him. His annoying voice, and shitty records after The Joshua Tree, I can do without, though.

The Blackstones from Washington State in the U.S. are one of those many bands who have been influenced by U2. They’re mixing U2’s songwriting craft, with a bit of Sonic Youth lite guitar noises to make a an album that’s a bit hard to get through, but once understood is a nice little piece of music.

The album is a bit murky in sound. A lot of guitar noises, and muddy sounds, and very sparse drums for the most part make it a bit hard to appreciate the quality of songwriting, but once you get passed this, you start to see and hear the talent these young men have.

Atmospheric and partly about Jesus, The Blackstones EP is a great little record for fans of good music.

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