Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i've been busy. fuck you.

Iron Giant – Creator of Scars (Diminished Fifth Record 2008)

Alright. Let’s be completely fucking honest here. I’ve been waiting for the new Iron Giant record right from the minute somebody said they were writing. So imagine my excitement when Diminished Fifth Records decided they were going to put it out.

I decided I was going to like this record before I eve heard it. I have a really bad habit of doing that, and usually I get pretty disappointed (like the new atmosphere joint. Sux. Ballz.). Well, this time I wasn’t. Catchy. As. Fuck. And entire new side of the band is shown on this record. The title track has to be one of the best riffs from a band in Moncton ever.
Loud, obnoxious, riffy and pure east coast white trash this is a record for the ages. If they can keep the momentum going with the recent changes on the guitar spot 2008 will be the year of the Giant.

1 comment:

Diminished Fifth Records said...

Sweet! I can assure you D5R is doing everything in our power to make 08' the year of the Giant!