Thursday, April 24, 2008

marr contest winner

well, i only had one submission...

Bonham-ized. I wish you'd have gone with Bonzoed. But it's your contest – about my idol.

Anyway, remember Joe Bonham from Johnny Got His Gun? No? Well, anyway, there's where Bonham-ized would work. The agitation/expectation you felt watching him slam out SOS with his head trying to get the nurse's attention – "The last 3 scenes really Boham-ized me! I had a hard time getting to sleep afterward!"

I'll admit the the addtion of the "ized" suffix makes for a good sounding verb. But Bonzoed sounds like a reference being made to Goofy blowing away his classmates. That's the kinda guy I want to watch playing a drumkit.

This contest blows.

You're Bonzoed.


Errol, you win. Thanks buddy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

new nine inch nails song

i've never been a big nine inch nails fan, but his ideas of distributing music are really fantastic.

new song available RIGHT NOW.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

a new meaning to music geek

three scientists (excuse me, janitor) have used Pythagoras discovery that that pleasing musical intervals could be described using simple ratios and taken it step further.

music = shapes

review: the penny blacks

Penny Blacks – Regret Regret (2008)

Back in the 90’s, long before the internet became what it is today, the only way to find half decent new music in my home town was to spend countless hours sitting on your arse in front of the tv glued to Much Music.

Sook-Yin Lee introduced me to Hayden and The Folk Implosion on one of those sunny summer days when I should have been at the beach. This was my first real introduction to “lo-fi”. The Folk Implosion didn’t really make a mark, but Hayden did. My son’s middle name is Hayden.

Regardless, Penny Blacks featuring one of the guys from Hospital Grade is in that lo-fi vein, but in sound quality only. These are great slow relaxing pop songs. Reminds me of the first Two Hours Traffic EP but not as whiney. There is a definite maturity spoken in the quality of the songwriting here.

Regret, Regret is a seriously solid debut. I look forward to hear more from The Penny Blacks, and wish I didn’t have to sass the last show here in town.

It's a pretty record. One that I wish I had made myself.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

live man man

a HUGE thanks to whoever run you ain't no picasso for posting this Man Man bootleg. Serious business.

download it here

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

review: Marr Winter Ditches

Marr – Winter Ditches (2008)

A few years ago I remember getting into an e-fight with some dude about a show his band had recently played. We argued back and forth for a few weeks and with every click of the submit button I felt cooler. Looking back I realize I was being a big douchebag. I’ve met the guy in real life and we’re actually pretty tight now so I guess it worked out.

Anyhow, the night he was talking about was the last time Marr hit Moncton. Truth be told I didn’t pay much attention to it. I had actually never heard Marr until this record showed up at my place.

Looking at a list of influences you can see that Marr are big Mike Patton fans listing Faith No More, Tomahawk, and Mr. Bungle all within one breath.

I’ve never listened to Tomahawk. An old roommate of mine probably made me listen to Mr. Bungle but I couldn’t name a song of theirs if my life depended on it. And the only Faith No More song I know is “Epic”. That flopping fish is creepy.

The bands I hear when I listen to Marr probably aren’t as flattering but it’s not meant as a slight. I hear a bit Stone Temple Pilots influence as well as a touch of Slipknot. Some might say I’m way off, but some might be wrong.

Now, that being said these influences work for Marr. And they take what they learned from these bands and twist it just enough where there is no way you’d mistake them for anybody but themselves.

The Highlight track for me is Indie Dirt Nap. I have a thing for screamed lyrics like that. It reminds me of “Blood” or “Lukin” by Pearl Jam. Also, opening track Peacock has a great soaring vocal right off the top which reminds me of “For the Air” by Halifax’s own Broken Ohms.

All in all, I really dig Winter Ditches.

Also, don't forget to check out the Marr contest down the page a bit, or click here

3 ½ out of 5

Sunday, April 13, 2008

here's what i'm doing today

then i'm gonna stick that bitch on a spit and spin her til she's dizzy and cooked.

god. bless. bbq. season.

Friday, April 11, 2008

wtf!?!? a contest!?!?

alright assholes. here it is.

the guys from marr sent me a copy of their cd and a tshirt to give away through the blog.

if you feel you deserve a copy you only have to do one thing.

i want a written essay on why led zeppelin's legendary drummer JOHN BONHAM deserves to have his last name become a verb. ie: he really bonham-ized those drums, didn't he?

so, write it up and email it to me at

you've got two weeks.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

my blog looks like asscakes

i'm trying to find a half decent lay out for my blog, but they all look like ass cakes. and the ones that don't, have stupid advertisements at the top for where i took them from and i don't know how to go into the code and take it out. fuck.


i'm not normally a "metal" guy, but there's this jesus band, norma jean that has been putting out a few good records. today's song is from their record "bless the martyr, kiss the child".

it's call "memphis will be laid to waste"

listen to it here

my favourite parts are when the lyrics "you're doing the waltz with your murderer" come along, and the guest appearance by the singer from mewithoutYou right near the end. he's a great lyricist.

He laid emeralds in her eyes,
But Id already tried a bracelt made of gold
And a scarlet thread around her wrist.
Everything was wrong so we sang sentimental songs.
Oh how seldom we belong but how elegant our kiss.
We painted crooked lines
But danced in perfect time to a love so much refined,
We know not what it is until like a dullen wine we pour into a grief know before
But never quite like this.
All I know now is regret,
It follows like a silhouette along the cobbelstone behind us,
But has nothing to say except to innocently ask,
Its voice delicate as glass,
Do you see me when we pass?
But I continue on my way.

and this song always reminds me of moncton's own "laid to waste" who broke up earlier this year.

check them out here

Monday, April 7, 2008

random mp3 of the day

Ben Kweller - Family Tree

I have a few Ben Kweller records. I'm not a huge fan, but this song has always been one of my favourites. I think it's the harmonies in the chorus.

Yeh, it's those harmonies...

download it here

official site
myspace page

i love when the internet is used for cool stuff

Rivers Cuomo, singer/songwriter for Weezer is getting Weezer fans to help him write a song... via YouTube!

here's a story about it

here's the YouTube link

Thursday, April 3, 2008

shit this is annoying

i've had one part of baby got back stuck in my head all day...

but not the part you'd think...

"little in the middle but she's got much back"

over. and. over.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This week in Moncton


Rise Above Wednesdays (The Birthday Edition)

Nathan Jones and Don The Van Door will be spinning emo records at the Paramount to celebrate Jones' b-day extraordinaire.


The New Cities at the Paramount for $8.

apparently they sound like you say party we say die... i don't think you say party, so i'll be sitting this one out.

Michale Graves WM3 Benefit Tour W/ Carey Beck & The Original Boxcar Shakers @ The Manhattan Bar & Grill

Some douchebag from the Misfits or something with local rockabilly guy Carey Beck. Apparently Carey's actually good, but don't quote me on that.


HOPE Live Album Recording Show @ The Paramount

plus acoustic sets by: The Motorleague (Don The Van Door & Nathan Jones
The Damnsels (Illisha French)
The Payrents
Secondsdown (Denis Babineau)
$7at the door, only 200 people permitted so be there early!

You can leave after The Motorleague cause Hope sucks.


The River Munks
The Manhattan

I Capture The Castle
The Umph
Lost Cause
Doc's Upstairs
10pm door

and that about covers it!

fuck you eagles

i bought my bob dylan tickets last week. 80 smackers canadian after all the taxes and service charges.

the eagles are coming to moncton, too and bringing a whole shit storm of terrible bands with them.

fuck the eagles, man. fuck them.