Thursday, August 28, 2008

music savant

alright shitheads. i didn't know blogs could be the subject of other blogs, but i am.

go to the music savant and check out a quick little write up about yours truly and read some other stuff about some music.

mike's a big time pimp and loves music, so it's a double whammy. pussy and rock and roll. where can you go wrong?

coheed and cambria. that's where.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

we, the undersigned

alright shit heads. let's lay it all on the line here. heavy metal music and punk rock is for neanderthals. except for good heavy metal and good punk.

now, let's be real for a second. i'm not a fan of the who "metal-core" thing that koRn influenced, save for a few bands.

we, the undersigned from sussex, or fredericton, or wherethefuck ever is one of those bands.

they borrow liberally from koRn (they'll never admit, but realistically, who would?) and my favourite norma jean, who's tune memphis will be laid to wasteis pretty much flawless.

so, you can check out we, the undersigned at their myspace page and tell them they should cover memphis again and let me sing.

you can also download their ep there for free. word up.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

broken ohms

every once in a while i like to cruise myspace looking for the profiles of women who have accidentally flashed a nipple in their profile shot.

i kid. but that DOES seem like a good idea now.

what i actually cruise for are bands i've never heard of who don't suck the camels dick.

i don't remember exactly how i found them, but front runners for my favourite band name ever, broken ohms out of halifax blew me away.

every once in a while you hear a song and it's like "this is pretty kick ass on album, but it must SLAY DRAGONS live"... and it does.

this video really doesn't give it justice, but here's them performing "for the air" in Moncton.

you can check out their myspace page to take a look at their tour dates and listen to a couple tunes. their new record drops this month and i'm pretty pumped for that.

fuckin' eh.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

So, the blog a good day for airplay told me about a record by a band called the major labels that have something to do with blur.

anyhow, if you visit their myspace page, you can find a link that brings you to noise trade , a site that will allow you to download albums for whatever you wish to pay, or by telling three of your friends about that album.

pretty fucking sweet. i just wish i could do the same for the "paste" subscription.